In hun maandelijkse
nieuwsbrief voor het publiek besteedt de American Thyroid Associatian (ATA) altijd aandacht aan allerlei onderzoek op het gebied van schildklierziekten. In de maand november krijgen hyperthyreoïdie en de oogziekte altijd extra aandacht. Deze maand krijgen de volgende drie onderzoeken aandacht in de nieuwsbrief.
Graves’ disease is the most common cause of hyperthyroidism in the United States. Some studies suggest that patients with Graves’ disease have an increased risk of death, mainly due to cardiac disease. The goal of the study was to look at the effect of treatment of Graves’ disease on heart disease and to understand whether the choice of therapy affects the survival in a large group of patients.
It is well known that changes in thyroid hormone levels affect heart rate, heart muscle contractions and heart rhythms. Previous studies have shown that high and high-normal thyroid hormone levels are independently associated with increased risk of heart disease and death in middle-aged and older adults. This study examined whether certain clotting factors play a role in the association of thyroid function with heart events and death.
Graves’ eye disease is a condition that can cause symptoms ranging from mild eye irritation to severe eye bulging and double vision. High dose corticosteroids alone or in combination with radiation treatments can be used to treat moderate to severe Graves’ eye disease, but are associated with significant adverse health effects. In this study, the investigators researched whether a drug that interferes with the function of the inflammatory protein IL-6 would improve eye symptoms in patients with Graves’ eye disease.
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