Sinds het eind van de negentiende eeuw wordt hypothyreoïdie behandeld met schildklierhormoon. Eerst gebeurde dat met uitgeperste schapenschildklier, later werd dat gedroogd schildklierpoeder. De chemische structuur van levothyroxine is al in 1927 bekend. Toch duurt het tot de jaren zeventig van de vorige eeuw voordat levothyroxine op grote schaal geproduceerd wordt. Dat T4-hormoon in het lichaam werd omgezet in T3-hormoon was rond 1960 een belangrijke ontdekking. Meer en meer werd voor de behandeling overgestapt van dierlijk schildklierpoeder naar synthetisch schildklierhormoon. Met de komst van betrouwbare levothyroxinepreparaten werd in Nederland eind 1987 het dierlijke schildklierpoeder (Thyranon®) uit de handel genomen.
In onderstaande artikelen zijn de argumenten te lezen voor de overschakeling van schildklierpoeder op levothyroxine.
Why does anyone still use desiccated thyroid USP?
IM Jackson, WE Cobb, 1978
The effect on thyroid status of changing from thyroid USP to sodium L-thyroxine was evaluated in 40 patients. With thyroid, abnormally high triiodothyronine (T3) levels were seen in 36 of 38 patients receiving doses of 90 to 240 mg; compared to sodium L-thyroxine, 0.15 to 0.2 mg, the serum T3 was higher (289 +/- 15 ng/dl versus 176 +/- 9 ng/dl) and the thyroxine (T4) lower (7.4 +/- 0.3 microgram/dl versus 11.6 +/- 0.5 microgram/dl).
Thyrotoxic symptoms occurred in six patients and diminished or disappeared after the change to sodium L-thyroxine, suggesting that the raised T3 level with thyroid may have undesirable effects in some patients. The T4 level, because it is low whether symptoms are present or not, may inadvertently suggest the need for higher dosage of desiccated thyroid in patients who have already received adequate replacement. The dose of sodium L-thyroxine was adequately assessed by measurement of both T4 and T3 levels.
Thyroid USP should be discontinued as thyroid medication since it produces thyroid hormone levels that are misleading estimates of thyroid function and can cause thyrotoxic symptoms.
Geen gedroogd schildklierpoeder meer
Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde, 1983
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Geneesmiddelenbulletin, 1983
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Overschakeling van schildklierpoeder naar levothyroxine
Pharmaceutisch Weekblad, jaargang 122, 1987

In onderstaande artikelen zijn de argumenten te lezen voor de overschakeling van schildklierpoeder op levothyroxine.
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Why does anyone still use desiccated thyroid USP?
IM Jackson, WE Cobb, 1978
The effect on thyroid status of changing from thyroid USP to sodium L-thyroxine was evaluated in 40 patients. With thyroid, abnormally high triiodothyronine (T3) levels were seen in 36 of 38 patients receiving doses of 90 to 240 mg; compared to sodium L-thyroxine, 0.15 to 0.2 mg, the serum T3 was higher (289 +/- 15 ng/dl versus 176 +/- 9 ng/dl) and the thyroxine (T4) lower (7.4 +/- 0.3 microgram/dl versus 11.6 +/- 0.5 microgram/dl).
Thyrotoxic symptoms occurred in six patients and diminished or disappeared after the change to sodium L-thyroxine, suggesting that the raised T3 level with thyroid may have undesirable effects in some patients. The T4 level, because it is low whether symptoms are present or not, may inadvertently suggest the need for higher dosage of desiccated thyroid in patients who have already received adequate replacement. The dose of sodium L-thyroxine was adequately assessed by measurement of both T4 and T3 levels.
Thyroid USP should be discontinued as thyroid medication since it produces thyroid hormone levels that are misleading estimates of thyroid function and can cause thyrotoxic symptoms.
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Geen gedroogd schildklierpoeder meer
Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde, 1983
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Geneesmiddelenbulletin, 1983
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Overschakeling van schildklierpoeder naar levothyroxine
Pharmaceutisch Weekblad, jaargang 122, 1987

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